to Our Fairy Doors Shop

Would you like your very own fairy? We send House Fairies around the world! All you need to do is choose a fairy door from our range. Just decide where you would like to put it, leave the key out overnight and in the morning if the key is gone then you know that your fairy has moved in. Fairies are super-skilled at taking away bad dreams and helping to take away your worries. Our Worry Plaque, No More Worries Kit and Calming Caterpillar are a great way to help with those big feelings.

Our Products Categories

  1. Fairy Doors: When a fairy door is put up in a human home some very special magic is activated! A message is sent directly to Fairy Valley requesting a House Fairy to come and live with a their very own human family. A very important key is left out at night and in the morning if the key is gone, the family know that they have their very own magical fairy living behind the door. Fairies only come out at night and then sleep during the day. They are very good at blowing away any bad dreams, helping to take worries away and bringing good luck and happy thoughts wherever they go!
  2. Fairy Accessories: Make your own magic dust with our magical Dust Mixing Set! Collect all four of our Fairy Friends! Our Christmas Fairy tells all the good news to Santa every evening! Why not decorate your fairy’s door with some wall art or bring your very own Irish Fairy Door Company school bag into school!
  3. Wellness Area: Did you know that fairies are really good at helping to take away worries? They have very special magical powers, so when a boy or girl uses The Worry Plaque or The No More Worries Kit, that fairies hear the worry and help to take it away. Our Calming Caterpillar helps to make you feel a little calmer when bring feelings happen. All you need to do is put him on your lap and use the magical breathing timer!
  4. Your Magical Fairy Subscription: Sign up now to begin the conversation with your fairy. Whether it is to talk about Fairy Valley or what is on your child’s mind, each response will be unique and tailored to your little believer’s question, with parental enhancement or editing as desired.

Explore each category to find the perfect addition to your fairy tale world. Let your imagination take flight as you journey through our magical collection of Fairy Doors.